Thank you for your interest in studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. On this page you will find information about studying at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

enlarge the image: Vorlesung
Foto: Enrico Meyer

Anyone who has questions about the exam material or problems with completing the exercises can contact the Open Math Rooms and discuss exercises and solve tasks directly on site. Students of higher semesters are on site and offer peer consulting.

Currently, the Open Math Rooms are only accessible digitally. The Open Matheraum (initially for both Mathematics, Computer Science and Economics) can be reached digitally Monday through Friday from 11am-6pm at this address.

Further information

At the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science there are two student councils. They represent all students belonging to the student council and their interests in committees and in faculty and university matters. In addition, the Student Councils offer events for newly enrolled students to help them get settled at the university (and possibly in a new city).

The Student Council Computer Science has put together a very good information page for students of computer science.
You can also find answers to questions about studying on the page of the Student Council Mathematics.