News from the faculty
Call for the Pre-Doc Award 2024/2025 open!
Career Week for doctoral researchers and early postdocs
2023 Denis Sargan Econometrics Prize
Arabica coffee: New database to better identify more climate-resilient plants
Teubner Foundation Science Award goes to Viviane Baladi
Female authors tend to use more species names when they write
Current Events
Diversity in Action Weeks
The Diversity in Action Week offers various training courses and workshops on cultural diversity, self-care, and anti-discrimination. The events take place online and are mostly provided in English.
Empowerment and Self-care for (B)WoC* and International Students
Using interactive methods and insights into theory and practice; strategies for self-care, resilience and holistic empowerment for (Black) and Women* of Colour are introduced and discussed.
Intercultural Conflict Management: Promoting Intercultural Understanding
This workshop provides practical tools and methods for overcoming misunderstandings and conflicts that can arise in encounters between people.
Study mentally fit. The online forum for you
Study well. Surviving crises. Live happily. Is that possible? Absolutely! The prevention programme "Study Mentally Fit" offers exciting facts and figures about studying and mental well-being
Racism-critical expertise in everyday work
Racism is a problem for society as a whole, and so we all have a responsibility to help shape how we deal with racist structures in our organisation.
Recognising and addressing discrimination
Within the framework of the Diversity in Action Weeks, the Office for Equality, Diversity and Family Affairs offers an online workshop by the Saxony Anti-Discrimination Office Advice Centre.
‘It’s not always just sunshine and roses’
Mental illnesses are widespread in our society and affect people in all areas of life - including the workplace. However, they often remain invisible and understanding their impact on everyday working life is limited. However, dealing with mental illness plays a decisive role in the well-being and…
Suddenly in need of care - what to do?
A care case can occur at any time: a fall, an accident and suddenly several things have to be considered and organised - also concerning your professional activity.
FerienCampus@ Leipzig University
School vacations don't always mean days off for parents. Our FerienCampus offers children between the ages of 6 and 12 a varied vacation program.
Health care power of attorney
Sudden care situations can be overwhelming and relatives are often faced with a number of bureaucratic hurdles that cause additional stress and strain. By making provisions in good time, a lot of the burden and responsibility can be taken off the shoulders of those closest to you in such situations.
News from the Study Office
Masks no longer required in lectures
An updated version of the University’s Hygiene and Infectious Disease Concept came into force today. The most important change is that students are now no longer required to wear masks during classes and lectures. This obligation was already lifted last year for all other rooms and indoor areas…
Why there are different mask rules for staff and students
The number of people infected with COVID-19 is rising sharply again. Now that autumn has arrived, the pandemic situation is expected to intensify once more. According to the current Hygiene and Infectious Disease Concept, staff and students are subject to different rules for wearing surgical masks.…
New version of Hygiene and Infectious Diease Concept published
The new version of the Hygiene and Infectious Disease Conept has been published and the FAQ pages updated.
Guidance for International Students: Long Waiting Times and Indomitable Willpower
Since 24 February 2022, Helen Matthey and Jana Kuppardt have received numerous requests for advisory services from both prospective students and students from Ukraine. In this interview, they explain how they deal with these challenges and how complex their daily work is.